Human Errors Prevention Workshop to Reduce ICT and Data Security Incidents

Programme Code D267
Learning Partner(s)
0.5 Day
Format In-person
WOG ICT & Data Incident Management Readiness
Job Roles
Systems Engineer UX Designer Software Engineer Project Manager (Agile) ICT&SS Professional ICT&SS Incident Management Officer Public Service Officer (non-ICT&SS) Solutions Architect


Dive into the common human factors known as the 'Dirty Dozen,' which play a critical role across diverse industries such as aviation, healthcare, and IT. These factors often serve as precursors to human errors. Through engaging case studies, you will explore these pitfalls and learn practical strategies, and best practices to prevent incidents. The programme equips you with the insights needed to identify the ‘Dirty Dozen’ and implement effective measures to safeguard against ICT and data security breaches.

Key Takeaways

At the end of this programme, you will be able to:
  • identify the ‘Dirty Dozen’ that can lead to ICT and data security incidents
  • increase awareness of the appropriate measures to avoid the ‘Dirty Dozen’ and incidents

Who Should Attend

Please refer to the job roles section.

Programme Structure

This programme will cover the following topics:

  • Incident trends as reported by agencies and the leading casual human factors
  • What is 'Dirty Dozen'?
  • Prevention strategies to avoid pitfalls and incidents 


You will receive an e-certificate of participation / attendance for this programme.
This programme is complimentary.


Step 1 Apply through your organisation's training request system.

Step 2 Your organisation's training request system (or relevant HR staff) confirms your organisation's approval for you to take the programme.

Your organisation will send registration information to the academy.

Organisation HR L&D or equivalent staff can click here for details of the registration submission process.

Step 3 GovTech Digital Academy will inform you whether you have been successful in enrolment.