
Demystify Generative AI

Programme Code D275
Data Science & AI
Learning Partner(s)
Nanyang Polytechnic
1 Day
Format In-person
Exploration Analysis Data Storytelling
Job Roles
Public Service Officer (non-ICT&SS)


Master the art of crafting prompts and applying Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to real-world tasks, enhancing your capabilities and productivity. Explore Generative AI’s impact across various industries while gaining insights into its ethical and responsible use. Delve into prompt engineering, learning various frameworks and techniques to effectively design prompts for generating text, images, music, and videos through hands-on activities.

Key Takeaways

At the end of this programme, you will be able to:
  • understand how Generative AI functions and its impact across industries with real-life applications
  • utilise Generative AI tools for text, codes, and image or video generation
  • use prompt engineering with hands-on activities relevant to your work or personal life
  • project contextualised for your work
  • practice ethical and responsible usage of Generative AI

Who Should Attend

Please refer to the job roles section.

This programme will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to Generative AI
  • Introduction to Prompt Engineering
  • Prompt Engineering for AI Text Generators in Action
  • Prompt Engineering for AI Image, Music and Video Generators in Action
  • Ethnics and Fair Use of Generative AI
  • The Future of Generative AI

Full Fee

Full programme fee


9% GST on nett programme fee


Total nett programme fee payable, including GSTS$305.20
With effect from 1 Jan 2024


Funding is available for this programme. Please visit the Learning Partner’s website to find out about the updated programme fee funding breakdown and eligibility, terms and conditions.

Upcoming Classes

Class 1
12 Sep 2024 to 12 Sep 2024 (Full Time)
Duration: 1 day
When: Sep - 12
Time : 9am – 5pm
Class 2
19 Dec 2024 to 19 Dec 2024 (Full Time)
Duration: 1 day
Time : 9am – 5pm


Step 1 Apply through your organisation's training request system.

Step 2 Your organisation's training request system (or relevant HR staff) confirms your organisation's approval for you to take the programme. Your organisation will send registration information to the academy.

Organisation HR L&D or or equivalent staff can register directly through the learning partner's registration portal.

Click here to register for 12 September run.

Step 3 The learning partner will inform you whether you have been successful in enrolment.